After the success of 'Phir Hera Pheri', the star trio Akshay Kumar, Paresh Rawal, and Suniel Shetty will come together again in the next installment of this comedy caper. The movie will also have a fourth important character in the form of Amitabh Bachchan. And not only that, since there will be four characters in the film, producers have decided that the title of the film will be 'Hera Pheri 4'! I guess saying three won't be enough for this sequel.
A source reveals, "After the success of the sequels, they decided to add some more masala to the film. Director Anees Bazmee has scripted a very strong character which is the fourth character and of a lot of importance to the story. This third sequel will have more twists and turns and one had to play more with the characters. Mr. Bachchan is a wonderful actor and it was very long since one saw him in a comedy role. He will very beautifully essay the role."
Director Anees Bazmee says, "We are still in the scripting stage. The script is being written keeping Amitabh Bachchan in mind. I still have to narrate the script to him. We both are keen on working with each other. Things yet have to be finalized."
The movie will be produced by Firoz Nadiadwala and will be directed by Anees Bazmee. The movie will go on floors in March 2011 with Katrina Kaif in the lead.
So what do you guys think, will Amitabh Bachchan be a perfect fit for this funny sequel? Will the sequel be just as successful as the last two films? Drop off your comments.
A source reveals, "After the success of the sequels, they decided to add some more masala to the film. Director Anees Bazmee has scripted a very strong character which is the fourth character and of a lot of importance to the story. This third sequel will have more twists and turns and one had to play more with the characters. Mr. Bachchan is a wonderful actor and it was very long since one saw him in a comedy role. He will very beautifully essay the role."
Director Anees Bazmee says, "We are still in the scripting stage. The script is being written keeping Amitabh Bachchan in mind. I still have to narrate the script to him. We both are keen on working with each other. Things yet have to be finalized."
The movie will be produced by Firoz Nadiadwala and will be directed by Anees Bazmee. The movie will go on floors in March 2011 with Katrina Kaif in the lead.
So what do you guys think, will Amitabh Bachchan be a perfect fit for this funny sequel? Will the sequel be just as successful as the last two films? Drop off your comments.
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